The question of speed bumps around Rosebud Park and Allena. There are many opinions on the placement of speed bumps:
- People speed between them,
- Could damage front-end alignments,
- Emergency vehicles might be damaged,
- They could help provide safety for our children,
- They could help slow down traffic.
I believe that when people come together to discuss a problem, they can also bring suggestions and ideas to solve or reduce the problem. Here are a few ideas that have been tossed around already:
- Newer designs protect the emergency vehicles
- Painting/striping of the roads can be used to visually stimulate drivers to slow down
- Placement could be designed to minimize speeding in between bumps/humps
- Surveys and radar information could be used to identify substantial problem areas
What is important is that residents are concerned about safety around the schools and parks, as drivers appear to be speeding more, and are more distracted when driving. This is an issue that desires to be discussed and brainstormed for answers that can help with the issue.
I would like to add them on Norton by Jack Binion. Cars cutting through are always speeding, sometimes double the speed limit. No, I’m not exaggerating. I’ve thought a few were going to end up in a house when the hit the dip at Hardisty and Norton. It’s a drag race heading south from Glenview to the next stop sign at Evergreen.